Careers at Classifieds

Introduction At classifieds, we move fast. We are driven professionals who are not afraid to think on our feet and pursue excellence.

We are team players and we know that working together is much more effective than working alone. We want folks who laugh, both in the face of challenges and along with team mates. online classifieds is a place for people who understand people, be it customers or colleagues. 

We need people who understand our vision and instill confidence in our teams. We’d love to have you on board if you demonstrate strong skills and the values that we are looking for: It would be good if you have quantitative and analytical skills, since they do help with problem solving. 

But it’s most important that you have the right attitude, are optimistic, enjoy a good challenge, work hard and learn fast. If you are someone who takes calculated risks, we like bold moves, as long as you can back it up with sound logic. 

You will be challenged here, you will experiment to find solutions and you will push yourself for results. That’s ok. You won’t be doing it alone in online classifieds Bangladesh. 

We have a young team that’s growing and learning and we encourage collaboration as well as sharing wins and successes. Because the only way we know is up! If you think you’d be a good fit for our corporate culture, please write to us at

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